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Lámh Module One

Lámh is a manual sign system used by children and adults with intellectual disability and communication needs in Ireland to support communication.

This course is for staff members and professionals who work in an environment where Lámh is used. It covers 100 Lámh signs and how to support a Lámh user.

Further information on the course can be found on Lámh.

Lámh Module One courses are organised by Better Start for ECCE services availing of AIM supports. In person courses take place over one day (6.5 hours) and online courses are delivered in a blended approach using Moodle (approx. 3 hours) and a practical signing session (approx. 3.5 hours).

E-learning material on Moodle must be completed before attending the online signing session. Participants receive login credentials two weeks before the online course date. They will then have two weeks to complete the e-learning modules before the live signing session.

No previous Lámh training is required. A training pack including a Lámh handbook, certificate of completion and access to Lámh signs online will be provided to all participants who complete the training.

Services must be availing of AIM support to participate in these Lámh courses. Enrollment to the courses is now available on Better Start’s Learning Gateway. If you are registered to access the Gateway, you will see the courses in the Course Catalog. If you have yet to register, the link is available on the HIVE Service Provider Portal on HIVE. Further information can be found on the Better Start website or by contacting

Lámh Module One – Online

Upcoming sessions available:

20/08/24, 17:30: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar

24/08/24, 09:30: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar

28/08/24, 17:30: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar

31/08/24, 09:30: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar

02/09/24, 17:30: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar

11/09/24, 17:00: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar

14/09/24, 09:00: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar

17/09/24, 18:00: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar

18/09/24, 18:00: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar

24/09/24, 17:30: Lámh Module One – Practical Signing Session – Online Webinar