This page features all the key documents, links and resources that are on the AIM site in one easy to access location.
City and County Childcare Committees (CCCs)
City and County Childcare Committees, or CCC’s for short, are a Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth funded support for parents and childcare providers. CCC’s can offer assistance with finding a suitable pre-school for your child, give advice and information about various schemes and programmes on offer. CCC’s also provide training for both parents and childcare workers.
You can find contact details for your local CCC here.
Information On Disability Supports
Below are links to websites where you can find quality information about supporting children with disabilities accessing pre-school and beyond. You will also find information on schemes and grants specifically for disabilities.
- National Disability Authority
- National Council for Special Education
- HSE advice for supporting children with disabilities
Further Information On Disability, Childcare and Education
Below are some links where you can find fantastic information on disability, childcare and education.
- HSE information on childcare options and schemes for your pre-school age child
- Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
- Pobal: Information on how Pobal administers AIM
- Better Start: National Early Years Quality Development Service
- Aistear Siolta – Valuable information of the curriculum and quality frameworks for early childhood education
Information on CPD for Providers
Inclusion Coordinator Training (LINC) –
Continuing professional development resources for practitioners
Sensory Processing E-Learning (SPEL)- SPEL Sign up Link
Hanen Teacher Talk-
Lámh Manual Sign Language System-
*Hanen, Lamh and SPEL are managed on behalf of the department by Better Start, more information can be found at:
AIM Policy and Rules
AIM Supports Documents
Universal- Supporting Inclusion
- Role of the Inclusion Coordinator (PDF)
- Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Charter and Guidelines for Early Childhood Care & Education (PDF)
Targeted- Early Years Specialist Support
- My Inclusion Plan September 2021 (English version) (Irish version)
- Informed Consent (PDF)
- AIM Privacy Statement 2022 (PDF)
- Access and Inclusion Profile and Guidance document (PDF)
- Access and Inclusion Profile Rationale (PDF)
Targeted-Equipment, Appliances and Minor Alterations
- Capital Information (PDF)
- Sample List of Eligible Equipment (PDF)
- Capital Checklist (PDF)
- Capital-Sample Application Form (PDF)
- Capital Recommendation Template to be completed by NCSE Visiting Teacher (PDF)
- AIM Capital Form for HSE and HSE funded Professional’s (PDF)
- Informed Consent (PDF)
Targeted- Additional Capitation
Universal Design Guidelines (UDG) Documents
- Universal Design Guidelines for ELC Settings – Introduction
- Universal Design Guidelines for ELC Settings Section 1 – Site Location, Approach and Design
- Universal Design Guidelines for ELC Settings Section 2 – Entering and Moving about the Early Learning and Care Setting
- Universal Design Guidelines for ELC Settings Section 3 – Key Internal and External Spaces
- Universal Design Guidelines for ELC Settings Section 4 – Elements and Systems
- Universal Design Guidelines for ELC Settings – Self Audit Tool for ELC Settings
- Universal Design Guidelines for ELC Settings – Appendices, Case Studies and Design Brief
- Universal Design Guidelines for ELC Settings – Literature Review