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This page features all the key documents, links and resources that are on the AIM site in one easy to access location.

City and County Childcare Committees (CCCs)

City and County Childcare Committees, or CCC’s for short, are a Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth funded support for parents and childcare providers. CCC’s can offer assistance with finding a suitable pre-school for your child, give advice and information about various schemes and programmes on offer. CCC’s also provide training for both parents and childcare workers.

You can find contact details for your local CCC here.

Information On Disability Supports

Below are links to websites where you can find quality information about supporting children with disabilities accessing pre-school and beyond. You will also find information on schemes and grants specifically for disabilities.

Further Information On Disability, Childcare and Education

Below are some links where you can find fantastic information on disability, childcare and education.

Information on CPD for Providers

Inclusion Coordinator Training (LINC) –

Continuing professional development resources for practitioners

Sensory Processing E-Learning (SPEL)- SPEL Sign up Link

Hanen Teacher Talk-

Lámh Manual Sign Language System-

*Hanen, Lamh and SPEL are managed on behalf of the department by Better Start, more information can be found at:

AIM Policy and Rules

AIM Supports Documents

Universal- Supporting Inclusion

Targeted- Early Years Specialist Support

Targeted-Equipment, Appliances and Minor Alterations

Targeted- Additional Capitation

Universal Design Guidelines (UDG) Documents